Friday, October 4, 2013

Personalized Privacy

Personalized Perspective

The whole point of internet was to widen our perspective on any topics that we may be interested/intrigued by. However, with "personalized perspective", that different perspectives we seek, is no longer available but is handed to us.

Personalized Perspective - (my definition) - is perspective that has been personalized, not by our own means, but by computer's calculations.

To me, the whole concept of internet has dramatically changed recently, as we get more "personalized", the things we read/watch on the internet is only confirming what we already knew. While internet is supposed to broaden our perspectives, it not longer does.

This seems to be part of a bigger picture, the big brother conspiracy (

As Eli Pariser, stated that two people googling the same thing will have different results (, I think that the idea of "personalization" is more than just marketing/business tactic.

For democracy to prosper, the difference in perspectives is crucial, however, with being "personalized" or filtered not by ourselves but by others, that difference perspectives diminish, and therefore democracy will diminish. It might be more convenient for us at the moment when we do the searches because it will provide the results we seek, it actually diminishes our ability to understand different ideas.

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